My name is Lawrence (aka “Airgun Ranger”) and I’ve been shooting airguns since I was 7 years old. My first BB gun was a Daisy Red Ryder that I had until I was 10. Then I got a Crosman Pumpmaster 760 for Christmas (with a tin of shiny pellets!) and I REALLY got into shooting. These two beginner air rifles taught me marksmanship, woodscraft and how to handle an airgun (and later a real gun) safely.
Nowadays I shoot air rifles and pistols for fun. I share the hobby with my kids. They each started with the same Daisy BB gun I did! It’s a fantastic way for them to have safe fun, adventure in the outdoors, and just be kids.
I’ve tried my hand at competition on a couple occasions. Boy those guys can shoot! Plus they have all the right equipment and an amazing level of dedication. Let’s just say I can hit the target consistently, but I’m no Olympian.
What’s AirgunRanger.com About?
I created AirgunRanger.com to share high quality information about air guns with enthusiasts like you.
AirgunRanger.com is oriented toward beginners and intermediates who want to enjoy the sport with their families and spend time outdoors. My goal is to build a great informational resource, with useful data, how to’s and reviews of products I test out. I hope you enjoy the site and get good value from my articles!
I plan to create some cool stuff to go along with the site — a print-on-demand T-shirt / swag store, and maybe even a YouTube channel. Whatever is fun and works for my readers.
Yes, I do make a bit of money from ads and affiliate sales on the site. A tiny little bit. This site will never earn me $ billions like Elon Musk or Warren Buffet, that’s for sure!
In several places around the site I have affiliate referral links to Amazon and other vendors. This earns me a small commission to cover the costs of the site and my airgun hobby if you end up buying something. Rest assured, any product I link to will always be high quality and manufactured by a trustworthy company.
Here’s my required affiliate disclosure to keep the FTC happy:
As an Amazon Associate, AirgunRanger earns commissions from qualifying purchases made through links on the site. AirgunRanger is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. AirgunRanger also participates in affiliate programs with other sites, and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.
If you want to learn more about me just visit my LinkedIn profile.